Tuesday, August 26, 2008

still more pictures from the other night

More pictures from the other day

Monday, August 25, 2008

Fashion Shoot

My sister Wendy and I went out last night and brought along a whole bunch of fun outfits for a bit of a fashion shoot. We went to three different locations, and with the outfit changes, we got a ton of cool shots. Here's just a few.

Monday, August 11, 2008

a photo i love

every once and awhile, i take a photo that i really, really love. There are so many parts of this photo that i think work really well, the out of focus church in the background, with the neat wrought iron gate in front, the blue of the sky, i even like the slight crookedness that i know i should probably just fix in photoshop, the thing is, I know that i hold my camera crooked when i shoot, and i kind of just like how it works in this photo. The biggest secret (and also my favorite part) of this photo is the sunflare.... looks pretty real right? Nope. I just discovered the Flare filter in Photoshop CS..... now the thing to do is NOT use it in every photo i take....... i wonder if i can do that?

Here is the edited version of the photo. Which do you think is better?

Saturday, August 9, 2008


My mom is really into jewelrey making at the moment, and here is a sample of a bracelet she made. She uses these really cool hand blown glass beads, and adds nice sparkle to them with smaller beads and little silver beads.

Pretty hey?

Costco Photo Contest

costco is holding a photo contest, and asking for members to submit their best photo. If there are indeed any blog readers out there, leave a comment and let me know which of my photos you think i should submit. You can look through the photos here, or on my flickr account www.flickr.com/photos/createdbyamyjo.


Friday, August 8, 2008


one of the things about flickr that is fun is that every day they choose the top 500 images to be put into the "interestingness" list, or otherwise named explore. While you really want to pretend that the reason you "flickr" is not because you think that every picture you upload is worthy of explore (even though, if you're honest with yourself, you kind of believe that) but because of the quality of other's photos and the community experience. Still, it sure is nice when a photo makes it into Explore. These are my two images that have been deemed interesting enough to warrent a peep in explore. (click on the image to see it larger, you can click on the links underneath to see the images themselves on flickr.)

1. Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought., 2. winter in edmonton

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

buzzing with the bees

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Plain Educational Block M McElman_071026_2452_Y
J McElman_071126_2026

I found some new flickr toys on photojojo..... this could be fun!