Monday, August 11, 2008

a photo i love

every once and awhile, i take a photo that i really, really love. There are so many parts of this photo that i think work really well, the out of focus church in the background, with the neat wrought iron gate in front, the blue of the sky, i even like the slight crookedness that i know i should probably just fix in photoshop, the thing is, I know that i hold my camera crooked when i shoot, and i kind of just like how it works in this photo. The biggest secret (and also my favorite part) of this photo is the sunflare.... looks pretty real right? Nope. I just discovered the Flare filter in Photoshop CS..... now the thing to do is NOT use it in every photo i take....... i wonder if i can do that?

Here is the edited version of the photo. Which do you think is better?